Monday, December 20, 2010


I am geting ready for my exam and I am totally unprepared for it. Yes, I do have a B+ average so far and that should help...That was just random.

Holidays are approaching and I am as prepared as I will ever be. I want to bring out this year the real meaning of the Holidays and not just because I am totally broke but also for the fact that I want my children to understand that REAL meaning of it. We are not going to buy any gifts and I didn't buy any as of yet. We are not expecting any gifts and I had made it clear to my friends not to bother. We are, however going to have a feast and we will be making all kinds of foods from back home. We will be baking and the kids will be included in the making of this food and we will be giving thanks to the All Mighty for providing us with the abundance of the things we will have on our table.

Just as it was growing up, we will be warming up all of the food on the morning of Christmas Day and the kids will have an opportunity to sample all the foods that we will be making. We will be going to church to say our blessings. I do not want to forget my spiritual side and I want to introduce my children to it as well. It is in fact what kept me sane all these years, I want the same for my kids.

I am soo excited for my Christmas Day! Looking forward to spending it with my family and the ones that I consider family!

Peace and Love!


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